Studio Policy


Lessons are held weekly and include technique, repertoire, theory, sight-reading, and ear training. A parent or guardian sits in on lessons and takes notes. Students record each lesson by audio or audio/video to use during practice.


All students make a commitment to practice 6.5 days per week, for a length of time equal to their lesson. For example, if a student’s lesson is 60 minutes, they practice for 60 minutes each day for six days, and 30 minutes on day seven. A parent or guardian helps practice for part of the time.

  • Up to 7 years of age = parent helps every day
  • 8-10 years of age = parent helps 4 days
  • 11+ years of age = parent helps 1 day


Students participate in three studio recitals and three studio classes per year. As additional opportunities for development, students play in competitions, auditions, and masterclasses through local and national organizations. In listening to recordings by prominent artists of the past and present and by attending local concerts at the professional level, students further their knowledge of repertoire and interpretation outside the studio.


Students need daily access to a piano for practice. In order to develop proper technique and aural skills, this should be an acoustic piano as opposed to an electric keyboard. An adjustable piano bench and footstool (for younger students) are also necessary.

Get In Touch

To schedule an interview and free first lesson, contact us at
210-244-3952 or [email protected].